Oh... Is sunday again, is the day for family gathering.
Every sunday is our family gathering dinner day, we all have dinner together.
Have a chat, or go shopping together, or enjoy our movie.
The important is we have our day in happy.
So this sunday we have a dish that is good and yummy,
and i want to share this yummy recipe with you all.
We love this very much even though the two kids also.
食谱参考 : 就是酱美味食谱书
Recipe refer to Jam and Sauces Cook Book
材料 Ingredients :
排肉/里脊肉 。。。。。 8 大片(用松肉锤子锤松)
8 big slices ..... pork loin-lightly flatten with a cutlet bat
番茄 。。。。。 2 粒 (切块)
2 pcs ...... tomato (cut into wedges)
洋葱 。。。。。 1 粒
Onion ..... 1
粟米粉 。。。。。 适量
Corn flour to coat
醃料 Marinade :
盐 。。。。。 1/2 茶匙
1/2 tsp ..... salt
胡椒粉 。。。。。 少许
Dash of pepper
姜汁 。。。。。 1 茶匙
1 tsp ..... Ginger juice
米酒 。。。。。 1 汤匙(没放)
1 tbsp ..... Rice wine ( no added)
酱汁 Sauce :(混合)
3 汤匙 。。。。。 酸梅酱
Plum sauce ..... 1 tbsp
1 汤匙 。。。。。 海鲜酱(没放)
Seafood sauce ..... 1 tbsp
2 汤匙 。。。。。 番茄酱
Tomato sauce ..... 2 tbsp
1 汤匙 。。。。。 米酒(没放)
Rice wine ..... 1 tbsp (no added)
4 汤匙 。。。。。 糖
Sugar ..... 4 tbsp
200 毫升 。。。。。 水
Water ..... 200 ml
1/2 茶匙 。。。。。 粟米分(勾芡用)
Cornflour ..... 1/2 tbsp( for thickening sauce)
做法 Methods :
1. 把肉锤松后,放入醃料醃 30 分钟。
Place pork loin on chopping board, lightly flatten with a cutlet bat, add in the marinade ingredients and marinade for 30 minutes.
2. 将每一片肉沾上粟米分,煎至熟,备用。
Coat the pork loin with cornflour, deep fry or pan fry on both sides until cooked and golden brown colour.
3. 另一个锅,放入少许油,炒香洋葱和番茄,将混合酱汁倒入,煮滚,熄火。
In another wok, add in oil, stir fry onion and tomato, pour the sauce, let to boiled, remove from heat.
4. 把酱汁淋在煎好的肉片上,或将肉片倒入酱汁里拌匀,即可上碟。
Pour in the sauce over the fry pork loin or pour the fry pork into the sauce and mix thoroughly before dish.

This post is link to Cook-Your-Books#2 hosted by Kitchen Flavours.
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