

Wednesday 6 November 2013

抹茶红豆蒸包 Macha & Red bean Steamed Pao

Yesterday i cook some red bean soup and after that sure will left some red bean.
What should i do with the red bean? 
In my mind i want to made steamed pao, but not just the plain pao with red bean.
I want something different. 

And i know that the good combination with red bean was macha.
So i quickly google in the internet, and ?
I get this. It was really good and yummy.......
Another is this pao skin recipe was free of baking powder.

Recipe from  : 早晨的咖啡-Ruth

鮮奶 (Fresh milk) 。。。。。110 g
酵母 (Instant yeast) 。。。。。1/2+1/4 小匙 (tsp)
中筋麵粉 (Plain flour) 。。。。。200 g
細砂糖 (Caster sugar) 。。。。。20 g
抹茶粉(Macha powder)  。。。。。1 小匙 (tsp)
 沙拉油(Corn oil) 。。。。。5 g
紅豆沙(Red bean paste)  。。。。。200 g 

Methods :

1. 鮮奶及酵母放入鋼盆中拌匀,至溶化.
Put in the fresh milk and instant yeast into the mixing bowl. Stir until the yeast melt.

2. 再將其他所有材料全部放入鋼盆中用桿麵棍攪拌一下.
Put in the rest of the ingredient into the mixing bowl, stir to combined.

3. 用手將所有材料混合再取出到桌面揉成糰狀.
Use your hand to mixed. Take out the dough and knead into a dough.

4. 蓋上保鮮模靜置鬆弛10分鐘.
Cover with cling film and rest for 10 minutes.

5. 等待麵糰鬆弛的時間,將做好的蜜紅豆沙分成 8 份.
In this time, get prepare of the red bean paste and deivide into 8 balls. 

6. 鬆弛好的麵糰取出桿成長方形.
After rest, take out the dough and rolled into a square shape.

7. 捲成長條狀. 平均分割成 8 等份.
Rolled into long shape and divide into 8 portion.
8. 每個小麵糰桿成中間厚旁邊薄的圓形麵皮.
Flatten the dough with thicker in the middle.

9. 紅豆沙稍微壓扁包入麵皮.
Wrapped in red bean paste.
10. 將麵皮圍成三角形.
Made into triangle shape.

11. 三邊接口要確實黏合捏緊.
Seal the edge.

12. 放入蒸鍋中發酵20分鐘, 再以中大火冷水蒸起17分鐘即可.
Put in the steamer and proof for 20 minutes,  steamed in meddle high heat for 17 minutes.
Start steaming in cool water.

Turn off heat, open a hole and let them sit inside the steamer for 3 - 5 minures before remove.

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