Saturday, 26 October 2013

沙葛瘦肉汤 Yam Bean with Lean Pork Soup

Have you ever cooking a yam bean soup?
Ya, it is yam bean, 沙葛, mengkuang.
I am first time use this for soup, and this soup was so sweet and refreshing.
According to the Book "Best Soup" this soup will help to quench thirst, 
stimulate saliva and detox the body after taking too much wine. 
So for the people who drink wine, this is really good.

This is a great ingredient for making a sweet and refreshing soup.
My two kids even drink two bowl of this.

Ingredients :

yam bean 沙葛 。。。。。 900 g
carrot 红萝卜 。。。。。 1 pc
lean pork 瘦肉 。。。。。 350 g 
water 水 。。。。。 12 - 15 cups

Preparation :

1.     Scald the lean pork in boiling water and drain.

2.     Put all the ingredients in a pot of boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes.

3.     Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours, season with salt.



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