"Char Siew Pao" ----- my elder son favorite.
He can eat 2 pao in the same time.
I am using my old recipe step.
包子面皮 Chinese Bun Dough
材料 Ingredients :
中筋面粉 。。。。。 300 克 (我用包粉) plain flour 300g ( i use pao flour)
糖 。。。。。 50 克 sugar 50g
发粉 。。。。。 3.5 克 baking powder 4g
速发酵母 。。。。。 4 克 instant yeast 4g
白油 。。。。。 18 克 (用了粟米油替代) shortening 18g (change to corn oil)
做法 :
1. 将中筋面粉,糖,发粉,酵母和白油放入搅拌缸,慢慢加水搅拌至均匀光滑。搁置发酵约 10 分钟。
Put plain flour,sugar,baking powder, instant yeast and shortening in a mixing bowl. Gradually add water and stir until smooth. Set aside to rise for about 10 minutes.
2. 将面团揉压翻面一次,将其发酵气压出来。
Punch to deflate the dough.
3. 将面团搓成长条形,分成适量的大小(我的是 50 克 一小团),利用擀面棍将面团擀成圆形,中间留厚度。
Roll dough into a long strip and cut into equal size ( I made into 50g / pcs). Use a rolling pin to roll dough into a round disc, make sure that the center is slightly thicker.
4. 将包子包入一份馅料,一手拿着包子面皮,另一只手食指和大拇指捏紧,往前推进一折一折捏紧至最后密合,收口朝上放入垫纸上,搁置发酵约 1 小时,排入蒸笼。
Put minced pork stuffing on a piece of dough. Use your thumb and index finger to draw edges up into the center to enclose the filling. Pinch top to seal. Place on a paper lining with sealed top facing up. Set aside to rise for about an hour. Transfer to the steaming basket.
5. 烧开蒸锅水,放入包子,中火蒸约 10 - 12 分钟即可。
Bring water to boil. Steam buns over medium heat for about 10 - 12 minutes.
For the filling,
I use ready charsiew and cut into small pieces. Heat some oil in the saucepan, add in garlic, onion, charsiew, black soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, some water, stir fry and mix well. Thicken with some cornstarch. Let to cool before wrapping into the pao.
For lunch, i have this simple french bean fry rice.
some fry crispy anchovy with peanut and omelette sliced.
After that i have a glass of lemon juice.
Happy Day!!!
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