Sunday, 20 October 2013

香蕉人鲜奶油蛋糕 Minions Fresh Cream Cake

"Minions" Fresh Cream Cake.
Recently this minions are very famous among the children.
I decide to make this minions cartoon cake for my elder son,
Cheng Cheng to celebrate his birthday early at school.
I make this is one day.
I am not very expert in cake deco 
and also the first time i use this piping for cake decoration.
But all around i am happy to see my creation. Ha.....

The cake base recipe i am using is ----- Step Wong Kitchen's recipe.

Orange Chiffon Cake :

6 nos ..... egg yolk size ( A )
70 g ..... sugar
180 g ..... hong kong flour 
( i use super fine flour)
1/2 tsp ...... baking powder
1/4 tsp ..... soda powder
90 g ..... corn oil
100 g ..... fresh orange juice 
(squeeze from 2 orange)
2 pcs ..... orange zest

6 nos ..... egg white
70 g ..... sugar
1/2 tsp ..... tartar powder/ vinegar /  lemon juice

2 pcs ..... Kiwi fruits (cut into small cube)

Fresh cream for decoration 
few drops of food coloring ----- yellow, blue

Methods :

1.     Beat egg yolk and sugar until sugar dissolved, add in orange juice and orange zest, corn oil, then sift in flour, mix until well combined, set aside.

2.     Beat the egg white until frothy and add in tartar powder. Add sugar in three batch and continuous to beat until stiff peak.

3.      Add in 1/3 of the egg white into the egg yolk batter and combine slowly by using spatula.   Continuous until all the egg white was done.

4.     Pour the batter into the 9" square pan, and slowly knock on the table twice.

5.     Put into the preheated oven for 160 C bake for 45 - 50 minutes or until cooked.

6.     Put on a wire rack to let cool the cake.

7.     When it was cool down, cut the half and spread some fresh cream on the cake.
Sprinkle some kiwi fruits cube and cover with another pieces of cake.

8.     Spread the fresh cream over the cake.

9. Decoration :
First i made a paper cut for the minions draft then cut the shape out depend on your cartoon.
Pipe the color fresh cream according to your cartoon.

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