Actually what i am going to cook is another version of meat slices
with adding the tom yam sauce.
But when all is done and i search at my pantry then ...
Oh no. where is my tom yam sauce.
Quickly i change it into another type of sauce using thai chilli sauce as well.
And this is also very tasty with some sourly and sweet taste in this thai sauce.
Next time will try for the other version when i have my tom yam sauce.
Love this with adding the lemongrass to enhance the flavor.
Recipe refer to Authentic Homestyle Cuisines Cook Book with changes and modified.
Ingredients :
Belly pork or soft part of the lean pork ..... 400 g
Lemongrass (sliced) ..... 1 stalk
Ginger (sliced) ..... 1 pc
Corn flour ..... 3 tbsp
Seasoning :
1 tbsp of thai chilli sauce
1 tbsp of fish sauce
1 tbsp of sugar
2 tbsp of lime juice
Methods :
1. Marinade the pork sliced with some soy sauce and corn flour.
2. Coat the pork sliced with corn flour and deep fry in ot oil until golden brown, set aside.
3. Fry seasoning over low heat until fragrant.
4. Add in lemongrass and ginger sliced.
5. Pour in the fry pork sliced and mix well with the gravy until fairly dried.
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