Monday, 16 September 2013

香软甜甜圈 Doughnut

If i cook this who was so happy? My two kids.
Both of my two kids so happy to see this, they really like to eat doughnut.
Actually i make this for my brother who can back from KL.
He also a doughnut lover. And i am so happy to hear that he like my homemade doughnut.
If you look carefully in my photo, the sugar was too rough.
Ha..... I want to use castor sugar but unfortunately i found that it was out of stock.
So i replace it with the rough sugar. 
My kids like to lick the sugar before eating them.
I have been trying to use icing sugar but that two boys doesn't like this.
Half of them are not coating with sugar cause my hubby like to eat plain.

Recipe still using the previous one. 

材料 :

( A )
高粉 。。。。。138 克     Bread folur ..... 138 g
温水 。。。。。82 克     Warm water ..... 82 g
速发酵面 .。。。。 3 克     Instant yeast ..... 3 g

( B )
高粉 。。。。。 34 克     Bread flour ..... 34 g
全蛋 .。。。。 14 克     Egg ..... 14 g
细糖 .。。。。 21 克     Castor sugar ..... 21 g
盐 .。。。。1/4 小匙     Salt ..... 1/4 tsp
奶粉 。。。。。 5 克     Milk powder ..... 5 g
奶油 。。。。。 20 克     Butter ..... 20 g
水 .。。。。9 克     Water ..... 9 g

做法   Methods :

1.     先把麵粉,水、酵母一起攪拌,揉成光亮的麵糰.
        Mix the flour, warm water, yeast together and knead until a smooth dough is form.

2.     放入調理盆用塑膠袋蓋住發酵,大約呈現一倍大小麵糰後取出.
        Place in a bowl and let it proof to double in size.

3.     先撕成塊狀與另一份配方高筋麵粉、奶粉、水、雞蛋、鹽、砂糖一起攪拌成糰後,再加入奶油 揉成光亮且很有筋度感即可.
        Tear the dough into small pieces, and mix with ingredients ( B ). Knead to a dough, add in butter and knead until elastic.

4.     開始把麵糰切成條狀再分成每 60 克一糰,再來把所有麵糰滾圓後蓋上塑膠袋再靜置10分鐘.
        Divide the dough into 60 g each, round up and rest for 10 minutes.

5.     靜置後從麵糰中心挖洞呈現甜甜圈形狀後,休息 30 分钟。
        Made a hole in the middle of the dough to form a doughnut shape, rest for 15 - 30 minutes.

6.     準備一鍋熱油,溫度控制很重要可用小片麵糰測試,讓麵糰丟入後沉底再浮起有較大泡泡,且不會有冒煙這樣溫度即可.
        Heat a wok of oil, test with a small pieces of the dough, when the doughnut flout on mean the heat is ok.

6.     開始放入甜甜圈,炸的時候要持續翻面且注意不可冒煙,炸到兩面金黃色即可撈起,可裹上砂糖或其他如巧克力等,這樣就完成甜甜圈 .
        Put in your doughnut and fry until both side is golden brown, lift up and coated with castor sugar or chocolate.

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