Yesterday i have buy a pack of wholemeal powder in the bakery, decide to try making wholemeal bun by myself. Last few day my friend has give me some healthy bun made by herself, so today i m making this bun and send some to her. Hope she will like this.
I search this recipe on line, and the outcome is good. I am satisfied with this recipe, the bun is soft and fragrant.
Made into two shape, one is round and another one is oval shape.
食谱取自 这里 ,自己做了些更改。
材料 Ingredients :
高粉 。。。。。 200 克 High protein flour ..... 200 g
全麦面粉 。。。。。 100 克 Wholemeal ..... 100 g
核桃 。。。。。 50 克 Walnut ..... 50 g
葡萄干 。。。。。20 克 (不够可以多加) Raisin ..... 20 g (not enough)
糖 。。。。。 10 克 Sugar ..... 10 g
盐 。。。。。 5 克 Salt ..... 5 g
酵母 。。。。。 4 克 Instant yeast ..... 4 g
水 。。。。。 180 克 Water ..... 180 g
油 。。。。。 15 克 Canola oil ..... 15 g
做法 Methods :
1. 将所有材料放入搅拌缸,拌打至光滑有弹性,加入核桃拌匀 (我将面团取出,用手把核桃和葡萄干揉到面团里),用保鲜膜盖好,发酵 60 分钟。
Put all the ingredients into the bowl, beat until smooth and elastic, add in walnut and mix. (I take out the dough and knead by hand to mix the walnut and raisin into the dough.), put into the bowl and cover with cling wrap, let to proof for 60 minutes.
2. 取出面团分割成 65 克一个,松弛 30分钟。
Take out the dough and divide 65 g each, rest for 30 minutes.
3. 将面团排气,一包面团做成滚圆形,另外一款,对折,卷成圆柱形。
Punch off the air, half of the dough shape in round, another half, fold and shape into oval.
4. 放入烤盘,发酵 50 分钟或至两倍大。
Place in the baking pan, let to proof for 50 minutes or until double in size.
5. 将圆柱形的面团在上面划上刀口,以 200 度烘烤 20 分钟。(我用 160 度 - 20 分钟)
Use a knife to make a small cut on the oval bun surface, bake for 200 C in 20 minutes. ( I use 160 C for 20 minutes)
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