加上好吃又开胃的马来红酱鸡---Ayam Masak Merah.
Today i cook Nasi Kuning and Ayam Masak Merah for dinner.
and together with the side dish, and make it a wonderful dinner set.
I like this nasi kuning, i use fresh turmeric and soak with the rice for few hours, and cook the rice with coconut milk and add in 2 pieces knotted Pandan leave to enhance the flavour. Yes, the rice are so fragrant.
材料 Ingredients :
鸡肉/鸡腿 6 。。。。。只(约 850克) 850g chicken ( 6 large drumsticks)
盐 。。。。。 1 茶匙 1 tsp salt
黄姜粉 。。。。。 1/2 茶匙 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
胡椒粉 。。。。。 少许 dash of pepper
红葱 。。。。。 3 粒 3 shallots
蒜瓣 。。。。。2 瓣 2 cloves of garlic
姜 。。。。。1 公分 1 cm ginger
红辣椒 。。。。。 2 条 2 red chilli
桂皮。。。。。 2 寸 2 inches cinnamon
丁香 。。。。。 3 粒 3 cloves bunga cengkih
洋葱 。。。。。1 粒 (切片) 1 onion sliced
酱汁 Sauce :
番茄酱 。。。。。1/2 杯 Tomato sauce ..... 1/2 cup
浓椰浆 。。。。。1/2 杯 Thick coconut milk ..... 1/2 cup
清水 。。。。。1/2 杯 Water ..... 1/2 cup
盐 。。。。。1/3 茶匙 Salt ..... 1/3 tsp
糖。。。。。1 汤匙 Sugar ..... 1 tbsp
做法 Methods :
1. 鸡肉加入盐,黄姜粉和少许胡椒粉盐至少半小时以上。
Marinate chicken with salt, turmeric powder and pepper for at least 30 mins.
2. 搅碎红葱,姜,蒜米和红辣椒。
Mill shallots, ginger, garlic and red chilli.
3. 热油锅,把鸡肉放入炸至金黄色。濾油,备用。
Heat wok and pan fry chicken until skin turn golden. Dish up.
4. 留 2 - 3 汤匙油在锅内。
Leave 2 - 3 tbsp of oil in wok.
5. 炒香 搅碎材料,下桂皮和八角和洋葱,炒至洋葱软。
Saute mill ingredients on medium heat until it looks glossy, put in dry spices and sliced onion and continue to saute until onions looks translucent and wilts.
6. 把其余的材料加入,再把鸡肉一起下锅兜炒至汁浓即可。
Put in the rest of the ingredients,except peas. Return chicken into the wok to cook until the gravy reduces to preferred amount.
7. 可加入青豆仁下去兜炒片刻即可上碟。
Put in the peas and cooked for a while. Dish out and serve.
Fried Anchovy withpeanut.
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