潮式煎鲳鱼 --- 很好吃的料理,
忘了看有多重,这条鱼要 RM 7.00呢。
食谱取自 :安娣拿手菜
Basically we well know that Teochew style fish is in the method of steaming,
but this time i will try another version is using frying method.
I buy this fish in RM 7.00 and not sure the weigh.
All what i m going to say is that this dish is so good to have with hot steam rice.
This is very appetizing. Another Teochew dish that is recommended to.
Recipe adapted from : Auntie's Yummy Cook Book
食谱取自 :安娣拿手菜
Recipe adapted from : Auntie's Yummy Cook Book
材料 Ingredients :
黑鲳鱼 。。。。。 1 条 (500 克)
Black promfet ..... 500 g
红辣椒 。。。。。 1 条 (去籽,切丝)
Red chilli ..... 1 pc (seeded, shredded)
嫩姜 。。。。。 1 小块 (切丝)
Young ginger ..... 1 small cube (shredded)
冬菇 。。。。。 1 粒(浸软,切丝)
Mushroom ..... 1 pc (soaked, shredded)
咸菜 。。。。。 适量(切丝,浸水)
Salted preserved vegetable ..... adequate (soaked, shredded)
青葱 。。。。。 1 棵 (切段)
Spring onion ..... 1 stalk (sectioned)
调味料 Seasoning :
清水 。。。。。 500 毫升 Water ..... 500 ml
鱼露 。。。。。 1 汤匙 Fish sauce ..... 1 tbsp
酸梅奖 。。。。。 3 汤匙 Plum sauce ..... 3 tbsp
糖 。。。。。 2 茶匙 Sugar ..... 2 tsp
鸡精粉 。。。。。 少许 Chicken stock granules ..... little
芡汁 Thickening :
粟粉水 。。。。。 适量 Corn starch mix with water
做法 Method :
1. 鲳鱼洗净,以慢火煎至两面金黄熟透即可,上碟备用。
Clean the fish, low heat to fried the fish until both sides are golden brown and cooked. Dish out.
2. 烧热少许油,放入其余材料爆香,加入调味料一起煮滚,一半搅拌一边淋上粟粉水。
Heat wok with some oil, add in the remaining ingredients, saute until fragrant. pour in seasoning, bring to boil, thicken the gravy with corn starch and keep stirring. Bring to boil and dish out. Pour over prepared fish.
This is really nice to eat with hot rice. yummy. Enjoy.
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